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Network Access Control isn't always easy....

...but it can be fun!

Try the AppGate game, and see how a 'segment of one' can simplify and strengthen your network

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Users need access to IT resources

Traveling Sales Rep
admin_icon Joe

Joe is a travelling sales rep who is rarely in the office. He needs to submit orders while visiting customers.

Remote, Contract Database Admin
admin_icon Sally

Sally is a contract database administrator who works remotely. However, Sally needs access to the databases she administers.

Order Manufacturing Scheduler
admin_icon Mike

Mike works at the office and schedules all manufacturing orders using the Order Management System.

Order Management System (OMS)

The order management system is used to submit orders, and determines manufacturing schedules.

Master Database

The master database contains ALL information for employees and systems, including sensitive data.

Employee News Portal

This is an employee news link for various company information and highlights,and does not typically contain sensitive information.

Contractor Time Tracking

This is an application where all contract manufacturers time is logged for payroll purposes. Some personal contractor data is stored here.

You can hover your cursor over the 'pieces' on the gameboard for a hint.

User Satisfaction
Business Productivity
Total Score : 0%
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  • Who Can Access

Thanks for playing the 'Segment of One' game!

A dynamic, policy-based network access solution can improve security and user satisfaction, and unlock business agility.

Enter your email address to receive an infographic showing this network fully secured and optimized. Or checkout for more info!
Traveling Sales Rep
admin_icon Joe

Joe is a travelling sales rep who is rarely in the office. He needs to submit orders while visiting customers.

Remote, Contract Database Admin
admin_icon Sally

Sally is a contract database administrator who works remotely. However, Sally needs access to the databases she administers.

Order Manufacturing Scheduler
admin_icon Mike

Mike works at the office and schedules all manufacturing orders using the Order Management System.

Order Management System (OMS)

The order management system is used to submit orders, and determines manufacturing schedules.

Master Database

The master database contains ALL information for employees and systems, including sensitive data.

Employee News Portal

This is an employee news link for various company information and highlights, and does not typically contain sensitive information.

Contractor Time Tracking

This is an application where all contract manufacturers time is logged for payroll purposes. Some personal contractor data is stored here.